“A great disaster has befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.”

–Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

THE COUNCIL That Rules America

Curtis comments on an interview with writer Greg Stenstrom exposing “The Council” and its nefarious agenda. Unknown to most Americans, this group is responsible for making America’s decisions and has been doing the “dirty work” in our country for the past 50 years, including covering up the corruption in the last few elections. Greg lays out their plan for stealing the 2024 election and shares what we can do to stop it.

AGENDA Weekly Brief

Week of August 24-30

Dear Friends, 

John Owen remarked, “The duties God requires of us are not in proportion to the strength we possess in ourselves. Rather, they are proportional to the resources available to us in Christ. We do not have the ability in ourselves to accomplish the least of God’s tasks. This is the law of grace. When we recognize it is impossible for us to perform a duty in our own strength, we will discover the secret of its accomplishment.”

1. TELEGRAM FOUNDER ARRESTED IN CRACKDOWN ON FREE SPEECH: On Sunday, Billionaire Pavel Durov, co-founder of the encrypted messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France after President Emmanuel Macron reportedly invited him to dine for lunch. Macron was widely mocked for claiming the arrest was “in no way a political decision.”

The 12 charges against Durov include “complicity in the distribution of child pornography and selling of drugs, money laundering, and a refusal to cooperate with law enforcement,” according to The New York Times. Durov was released on Wednesday on a roughly $5.5 million bail but forbidden from leaving France as the investigation continues.

2. THE REAL REASON WHY DUROV WAS ARRESTED: The Federalist reveals, “In reality, Telegram and Durov are under investigation in France because the social media app maintains a more rigorous commitment to free speech than most of its competitors…”

Elon Musk asked why Mark Zuckerburg has not been arrested on similar charges related to Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp and suggested, “Because…he censors free speech and gives governments backdoor access to user data.” Deep Stater Alexander Vindman said, “Musk should be nervous.”

Tucker Carlson, who interviewed Durov several months ago, remarked, “Pavel Durov left Russia when the government tried to control his social media company, Telegram. But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech. It was a Western country, a Biden administration ally and enthusiastic NATO member, that locked him away…”

Ed. Note: For more, read Telegram Founder’s Arrest Signals Dangerous Times for Online Free Speech. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently said, “Governments and oppressors don’t censor lies, they don’t fear lies. They fear the truth, and that’s what they censor.”

3. MARK ZUCKERBERG ADMITS THAT FACEBOOK CENSORED HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP AND MORE: In a Monday letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), Meta (formerly Facebook) CEO Mark Zuckerburg admitted that the Biden-Harris regime in 2021 “repeatedly pressured” Facebook into censoring COVID-19 content. Zuckerburg said, “I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. commented, “Looks like Mark Zuckerberg has joined the ranks of the crazed conspiracy theorists who claim that the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor dissent during Covid.”

Zuckerburg also admitted that the FBI pushed him to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and said, “In retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story.”

Finally, Zuckerburg confirmed that he has paused the 2020 election “Zuckerbucks” scheme and that he will be “neutral” in the 2024 election. However, Breitbart reports, “The program has been rendered moot after a 2021 Biden-Harris administration [illegal] executive order requiring the head of every federal agency to develop programs to register voters and to increase voter participation…” Zuckerbucks architect David Plouffe recently joined the Harris campaign as an advisor.

Former California Congressman and current Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes called Zuckerberg’s confession a “get out of jail free card.” Attorney Viva Frei assessed, “It just sounds like Zuck knows a Trump administration is incoming, and he needs to confess and atone for his sins out of fear that a Trump administration will come down on Zuck and Facebook for the bona fide election interference they are admitting to now. The 2020 election was stolen, and this is the admission.”

4. KAMALA HARRIS CONFIRMS HER VALUES “HAVE NOT CHANGED” IN FIRST “INTERVIEW”: Around 40 days after effectively locking up the Democratic Presidential nomination, Kamala Harris sat down for her first interview, pre-recorded, with CNN’s Dana Bash, joined by running-mate Tim Walz. When asked about supposed “changes” to her views, Harris answered, “Dana, I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. You’ve mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed – and I have worked on it – that the climate crisis is real and that it is an urgent matter, to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. We did that with the Inflation Reduction Act…”

Mollie Hemingway reacted, “This is so embarrassing. In order for Kamala to survive, she had to have a chaperone and then a ‘journalist’ so unbelievably sycophantic that she delivered the ‘question’ with multiple choice answers.”

Meanwhile, a recent poll from the Media Research Center found that between 71% and 86% of Democrats and Independents were unaware or unsure of 10 radical positions held by Kamala Harris. Harris still has no policies listed on her website.

Ed. Note: Kamala’s unchanging “values” are Communist values. Communism expert Trevor Loudon warns, “…Kamala Harris is deeply connected to communist ideologies and individuals. From her parents’ involvement in a group that admired communist leaders like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, to her relationship with Willie Brown, a communist sympathizer, and her mentorship of individuals linked to Maoist communist groups, Kamala Harris’s background is deeply concerning.” For more, see our interview with Trevor Loudon on Harris-Walz.

5. TRUMP, VANCE DISPLAY FURTHER WEAKNESS ON ABORTION: On Friday, Donald Trump posted, “My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights.” Two days later, Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance said that Trump would “absolutely commit” to opposing a national abortion ban, reiterating Trump’s position that abortion should be left to the states. In a Thursday interview, Trump criticized Florida’s six-week abortion ban and suggested that he might vote for the radical Amendment 4 in November.

Professor Andrew T. Walker said, “The former president’s pro-life betrayal is morally wrong and electorally foolish.” Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis (R) warned, “Amendment 4’s ambiguous language would allow late-term abortions where a baby can feel pain, it would eliminate Florida’s parental consent law and eliminate the requirement that only licensed doctors perform abortions, and it would open the door to taxpayer-funded abortions. This Soros-backed amendment is extreme and would jeopardize the health and safety of moms and children. We must spread the word and vote NO on 4!”

Following backlash from pro-lifers, Trump called Florida’s amendment too extreme and said, “I’ll be voting no.” Committed pro-lifer and conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey said, “See, this is the crucial difference between Trump and Kamala on abortion: Trump can be influenced in the direction of life, and Kamala cannot. Kamala is fully funded by the abortion lobby and will continue the Biden-Harris legacy of putting pro-life grandmothers in prison.”

Ed. Note: Proverbs 31:8 says, “Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.”

6. PRO-LIFERS ON TRUMP AND HOW TO BEST SAVE LIVES GOING FORWARD: The Babylon Bee’s Joel Barry tweeted, “Pro-lifers have a ton of work to do. But that work can’t get done with Kamala as President putting pro-life protestors in prison, packing the courts, and enshrining Roe v Wade legislatively. It’s a tragic decision, but still an easy one. I’ll vote Trump with no regrets.”

While condemning Trump and Vance’s recent comments, The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd urged Republicans to focus their energy on defeating the nearly one dozen deceptive abortion-enshrining initiatives on ballots in November, including in the red states of Florida and Missouri.

Ed. Note: For more, read If Harris Wins, The Pro-Life Movement Won’t Stand A Chance.

7. NEW REPORT: EVANGELICALS “MORE LIKELY TO BE SHAPED BY CULTURE THAN TO INFLUENCE IT”: The latest report from George Barna and the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University reveals that millions of Americans are realizing “just how depraved American society has become,” with “corrupt politicians, dishonest journalists and media outlets, broken social institutions, immoral religious leaders, unconstitutional government programs and policies, and more.”

Barna states, “The indisputable cultural decline is a direct result of the spiritual collapse of Christianity in the nation.” According to the report, only one-third of evangelicals possess a biblical worldview, and evangelicals “are more likely to be shaped by the culture around them than they are to influence or ‘evangelize’ it.” Additionally, “almost half of the adults attending evangelical churches (44%) believe that there is no absolute moral truth that is pertinent to everyone in all situations.”

From the report: “While evangelicals often get the ‘big picture’ of Christianity, they struggle to apply core principles to everyday situations, and are too often victims of catchy slogans and feel-good behaviors promoted by a culture propelled by competing worldviews.”

8. RFK JR. MAKES CHRONIC DISEASE A NATIONAL CONVERSATION: Just hours after Donald Trump’s promise to have Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lead a panel to investigate the root causes of chronic disease, 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Andrew Yang tweeted, “I think Kamala Harris and the Democrats should immediately announce a panel to investigate the spike in chronic diseases and conditions among children these past years and invite different figures to participate. This is a big issue for millions and could easily tip the election.” Several days later, Time Magazine posted an article titled, “What If Ultra-Processed Foods Aren’t As Bad As You Think?”

In a recent interview, Kennedy observed, “The most profitable thing today in America is a sick child… Right now, 75% of the FDA’s budget is coming from pharmaceutical companies. That is a perverse incentive.” #MAHA (Make America Healthy Again) has been trending online.

9. JACK SMITH ISSUES UPDATED INDICTMENT AGAINST TRUMP: Special Counsel Jack Smith issued a re-indictment of President Donald Trump in the D.C. “election interference” case, in an attempt to revive the case following the Supreme Court’s July decision on Presidential immunity. The Daily Signal reports, “Similar to the initial August 2023 indictment for election interference, the four counts in the indictment are conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct, an official proceeding; conspiracy against rights.” Donald Trump called the revised indictment “a direct assault on democracy” and “election interference,” as the first mail-in ballots will be cast in North Carolina on September 6.

10. DEEP STATE KEEPS RFK JR. ON BALLOT IN SWING STATES, BUT YANKS SECRET SERVICE: At least three swing states, Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina, have rejected Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s request to be removed from the ballot. These states repeatedly sought to keep Kennedy off the ballot before his endorsement of Trump. Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris regime has pulled Secret Service protection from Kennedy, despite his name remaining on the ballot in around 40 states.

11. GARLAND THREATENS THOSE WHO QUESTION RIGGED ELECTIONS: At a press briefing, Attorney General Merrick Garland bragged about convicting around 1,500 J6ers to date and stated, “I think our prosecutions have made clear…how seriously we take an effort to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power the last January 6, the coming January 6, and every January 6 after that.”

Pollster Richard Baris explained, “This is what 50% of the country heard from Garland. ‘We’re gonna steal this election, and if you try to fight us, we’ll put you in prison.’” Independent journalist Julie Kelly echoed, “DOJ prosecutors and D.C. judges are warning that the hammer will come down on any American who protests the 2024 election results.”

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson threatened local officials who question election results, saying, “We will come for you.”

12. WHAT HAPPENS IF HARRIS-WALZ PREVAIL IN NOVEMBER? The American Thinker’s Vince Coyner warns, “If Harris is elected in November, the American republic as we know it will disappear. Democrats will eviscerate the Supreme Court. They’ll add D.C. and Puerto Rico as states, so the GOP will never again control the Senate. They’ll implement a 45% capital gains tax and a 25% tax on unrealized gains. DEI will become the law of the land, with ‘equity’ replacing merit as the fundamental measure upon which society is built. The scientific fact of men and women will be obliterated. They’ll outsource American foreign policy to the WEF and the economy to the climate change cultists. The open border will remain, and millions of 3rd world ‘refugees’ with little appreciation for American mores or no allegiance to the United States will pour over the border and then suddenly not only be able to vote but will get houses for no money down and benefits beyond what citizens receive. And freedom of speech and the Second Amendment will be distant memories before the midterms.”

Former Trump official Attorney Jeffrey Clark agrees, “Make no mistake. If Kamala wins this election and the Dems take the Senate, they will pack the Supreme Court and destroy the separation of powers. They will stack the election rules permanently in their favor, and competitive elections will end as they import more and more aliens.”


  • Human Events reports, “Brazil’s Federal Supreme Court froze financial assets for Elon Musk’s internet company Starlink on Thursday after he decided to close the headquarters for his other company, X, in the country amid an ongoing battle with Minister Alexandre de Moraes. The companies are entirely different entities and have no relation to each other other than Musk being at their helm.”
  • Big League Politics reports, “The supposedly conservative government of Oklahoma is using taxpayer resources to give more work visas and legal driving ability to illegal aliens.”
  • Breitbart reports, “Independent left-wing presidential candidate Dr. Cornel West said Friday that Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign offered him a job in her potential administration, and to pay his campaign debts, if he dropped out of the 2024 race.”
  • The Independent reports, “Elon Musk hopes to implant millions of Neuralink chips into people’s brains over the next decade.”
  • The Gateway Pundit reports, “Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has been undermining conservative demands to include the SAVE Act [the bill that would ban illegals from voting] in the upcoming short-term spending bill.”
  • Free West Media reports, “A military family who lost custody of their autistic son after they refused to transition his gender are suing a major D.C. hospital. The family said their boy had never shown any desire to become a girl until, at 16, he was hospitalized for self-harming after a bitter breakup with his girlfriend in 2021.”
  • A Wall Street Journal/NORC poll found that only one-third of American adults believe the American dream is still attainable, and only 10% believe becoming a homeowner is “easy or somewhat easy.”


  • “But the much bigger negative issue for Trump is that the Powers That Be hate Kennedy even more than Trump on certain key issues due to Kennedy’s efforts to expose Big Pharma’s collusion with government (including falsified trials of vaccines), big agriculture’s use of dangerous chemicals that are harming the public’s health, and his detailed knowledge of the Deep State conspiracies that killed his uncle JFK, and his father RFK. And if Trump has agreed to appoint Kennedy to a position where he could pursue any or a combination of these three major attacks on the Deep State’s agenda, they will do all they can to keep Trump out of the White House.” –Joel Skousen
  • “There is one thing, one lurking terror, behind every fake and desperate move the Democratic Party has made this dire election cycle: the fear that hundreds of high officials might have to pay for their crimes of recent years if they lose on November 5. That’s why they lie about everything…”  –James Howard Kunstler
  • “She’s much more skillful than I have ever seen. She’s a liar on the deepest level. The things she is saying right now are not just untrue – they’re the opposite of the truth, which is the hallmark of evil.” –Tucker Carlson on Kamala Harris’ speech at the DNC
  • “You’re going to see a large number of old-school Democrats joining the resistance. The Blue Team has left us no choice. This is not a new problem. It isn’t going away. The party can not be saved. It must be defeated decisively to rescue the Republic.” –Professor Bret Weinstein
  • “Kamala Harris and Joe Biden skip the 3rd anniversary at Arlington National Cemetery honoring the 13 fallen soldiers who were killed in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Only President Trump showed up.” –Charlie Kirk
  • “Meet Bharat Ramamurti. He has never run a business, nor has he ever worked for one. Yet he’s the top economic adviser for the Kamala Harris campaign, and a not-so-covert socialist ideologue who intends to cripple the American economy through ruthlessly ‘progressive’ taxation.” –Jordan Schachtel


  • “The first wave of homosexual activists were street fighters (lionized for their brawls outside a mafia-run bar called the Stonewall Inn); the second wave were professionals and marketing strategists; now, the industry is run by fat cats who wield unprecedented cultural power pulling in massive salaries by claiming that things are worse for LGBT-identifying people than ever.” –Jonathan Van Maren
  • “To be honest, nothing remains of the United States of America. There is nothing here but a Sodom and Gomorrah Tower of Babel in which people live inside a narrative of lies.” –Former Reagan Advisor Paul Craig Roberts
  • “The states with the highest proportions of people who say they never or rarely attend religious services are typically the bluest states. Conversely, the states with the highest proportions of church attendance are the reddest. As long as Christianity remained vital and strong in America, attempts at creating a socialist Utopia through government policy and authoritarian control made little headway.” –Roger D. McGrath
  • “Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolaters should be a nation of freemen. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains.” –Patrick Henry
  • “Our society is now a strange hybrid of the Middle Ages, the Third Reich, and Brave New World. We have two classes – lords and peasants; we are in the midst of a very profitable genocide; and it’s all infused with surveillance technology, mind-altering drugs, and wall-to-wall propaganda.” –Dr. Toby Rogers
  • “But where there is selfishness it mars joy. One selfish soul will destroy the sweetness of life in any home. It is like an ugly bush in the midst of a garden of flowers. It was selfishness that destroyed the first home and blighted all the loveliness of Paradise; and it has been blighting lovely things in earth’s home ever since. We need to guard against this spirit.” –J.R. Miller
  • “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and they that lack the beginning have neither middle nor end.” –John Bunyan
  • “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.” –Psalm 114:8-9


1. FLORIDA PROTECTS MINORS FROM GENDER MUTILATION: The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals allowed a Florida law banning puberty blockers and transgender surgeries to take effect. Governor Ron Desantis (R) stated, “These procedures do permanent, life-altering damage to children, and history will look back on this fad in horror.” At least 26 states have adopted laws protecting children from so-called “gender affirming care.”

2. PRO-DEATH AMENDMENT WILL NOT APPEAR ON ARKANSAS BALLOT: An Arkansas amendment that would allow for abortion up to 18 weeks will not appear on the November ballot after the amendment organizers “failed to properly file the necessary documentation with their petition signatures.” Arkansas’ current Constitution states that the “policy of Arkansas is to protect the life of every unborn child from conception until birth, to the extent permitted by the Federal Constitution.”

3. AMOS MILLER DEFEATS STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA: Attorney Robert Barnes wrote on X, “Today, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court rejected the state request to shut down [Amish] farmer Amos Miller, providing a win for Food Freedom, thanks to your support.” Another X user added, “The government couldn’t provide a single piece of evidence showing that anyone in Pennsylvania – or anywhere else – has ever been harmed by any of Amos Miller’s products.”

4. TEXAS PURGES ONE MILLION VOTERS FROM VOTER ROLLS: Republican Governor Greg Abbott announced that Texas had removed “over one million ineligible people from voter rolls in the last three years, including noncitizens, deceased voters, and people who moved to another state.” Abbott stressed, “Illegal voting in Texas will never be tolerated. We will continue to actively safeguard Texans’ sacred right to vote while also aggressively protecting our elections from illegal voting.”

5. THIRD-PARTY CANDIDATES STAY ON BALLOT IN SWING STATES: The Democratic party was unsuccessful at removing third-party candidates Jill Stein and Cornel West from the ballot in Michigan and Wisconsin. In Michigan, Judge James Robert Redford tossed out a challenge to remove Cornel West, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court overruled a challenge against Jill Stein. Stein called the decision a “big win against the anti-Democratic Party’s war on democracy and voter choice!”

6. TULSI GABBARD ENDORSES DONALD TRUMP: Former Democratic Rep. and 2020 Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard endorsed Donald Trump for President, declaring, “President Trump understands the grave responsibility that a president and commander in chief bears. He not only didn’t start any new wars, he took action to deescalate and prevent wars. Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or an independent, if you love our country…join me in doing all that we can to save our country and elect President Donald J. Trump.”

7. WISCONSIN CITIES BAN DROP BOXES: The Wisconsin cities of Brookfield and New Berlin voted to ban ballot drop boxes in the upcoming election, following a state Supreme Court decision that allowed the boxes to return. The Center Square reports, “Two Wisconsin lawmakers have introduced legislation that would require cities or counties that use ballot drop boxes to have them under 24/7 video surveillance.”

8. SUPREME COURT BLOCKS STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS PROGRAM: Charlie Kirk reported, “The Supreme Court has just rejected the Biden-Harris administration’s request to reinstate aspects of a new student loan relief plan that was blocked by a federal appeals court. There don’t appear to be any noted dissents. This is a major blow to Biden and Harris’ illegal vote-buying scheme.”

9. LOWE’S AND FORD DROP DEI AND LGBTQ POLICIES: Lowe’s dropped its DEI policies and support for the LGBTQ agenda, promising not to participate in the Human Rights Campaign or fund pride parades. Ford also ended its association with the Human Rights Campaign and ended DEI hiring quotas. Journalist Robby Starbuck commented, “Sanity is coming for corporate America.”

10. MORE SCHOOLS BAN CELL PHONES: More schools have made the decision to ban cell phones during the school day. EdSource explained that the cell phone restrictions “are being enacted in an effort to curb bullying, classroom distractions, and addiction to the devices.” Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia of Children’s Health Defense remarked, “The policy reduces children’s exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation – which is a step in the right direction.”

11. RFK JR. ALLOWED TO SUE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION: Louisiana Judge Terry Dougherty ruled that Robert F, Kennedy Jr. was allowed to sue the Biden Administration for censorship. Children’s Health Defense wrote, “CHD [has] standing in the lawsuit Kennedy v. Biden to continue our case in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. [Judge] Doughty ruled that Kennedy faces a ‘substantial risk’ that government defendants will restrict his speech in the future.”

12. UTAH SUES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT: Utah is suing the federal government over millions of acres of unappropriated lands being held indefinitely. Governor Spencer Cox (R) emphasized, “We are committed to ensuring that Utahns of all ages and abilities have access to public lands.” AG Sean Reyes said, “The Framers of the Constitution carefully limited federal power to hold land within states. Current federal land policy violates state sovereignty and offends the original and most fundamental notions of federalism.”

13. VICTORY FOR NEW YORK PREGNANCY CENTERS: Federal Judge John L. Sinatra, Jr. ruled that pregnancy centers in New York have the right to explain “that the abortion pill reversal (‘APR’) protocol is safe and effective for a pregnant woman to use, with her doctor, to reverse the effects of a first chemical abortion pill and thereby, help to save the life of her unborn child.” Attorney General Letitia James had attempted to curb the free speech of pregnancy centers in the state.

14. CANADIAN CHURCH PAYS OFF COVID FINES: Pastor Henry Hildebrandt announced that his church has paid off the more than $330,000 in fines issued for staying open during COVID. Hildebrandt exclaimed, “We refused to live a lie, and the truth is now becoming common knowledge, praise God! Thank you all for your support! If my faith is not worth dying for, it is not worth living for.”

15. OHIO FOOTBALL PLAYERS GLORIFY GOD: Ohio State football players hosted an event on campus, sharing the gospel, handing out Bibles, and baptizing those who made a confession of faith. Receiver Emeka Egbuka said, “The world didn’t give me this joy, the world can’t take it away…[God has] worked on me, and I’ve had this grace of people in my life to get to this point.” Charlie Kirk wrote, “This is what it really means to save America.”


Oh, For A Heart That Is Whiter than Snow By Eliza E. Hewitt

Oh, for a heart that is whiter than snow!
Kept, ever kept ’neath the life-giving flow,
Cleansed from all passion, self-seeking and pride,
Washed in the fountain of Calvary’s tide!

Oh, for a heart that is whiter than snow!
Savior divine, to whom else shall I go?
Thou who didst die, loving me so!
Give me a heart that is whiter than snow!

Oh, for a heart that is whiter than snow!
Calm in the peace that He loves to bestow,
Daily refreshed by the heavenly dews,
Ready for service whene’er He shall choose!

Oh, for a heart that is whiter than snow!
Then in His grace and His knowledge to grow,
Growing like Him who my pattern shall be,
Till in His beauty my King I shall see!

Oh, for a heart that is whiter than snow!
Savior divine, to whom else shall I go?
Thou who didst die, loving me so!
Give me a heart that is whiter than snow!

Featured Videos

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Watch: How the Online Pornography Epidemic Is Creating a Generation of Dopamine Addicts (45 minutes) “What we have to understand about pornography is that it literally rewires the brain,“ says Clare Morell, senior policy analyst at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Note: to watch, click the link or photo above.

Watch: How American Voters Got Dumb (4 minutes). Peter St. Onge explains how government schools have dumbed down Americans over the past 150 years.

Watch: The Persecution of Trump (32 minutes). Steve Cortes’ new documentary explores the shadowy forces seeking to destroy America.

Watch: Mike Davis on Jack Smith’s Superseding Indictment (10 minutes). Merrick Garland and Jack Smith are blatantly ignoring two Supreme Court rulings.

Watch: Yes, Illegals Are Voting (4 minutes). Cleta Mitchell of the Election Integrity Network explains how illegals are being registered to vote by government agencies.

Articles of the Week

Read: The Nation Needs a Great Awakening by Star Parker. “The data shows more Americans turning away from faith and church attendance, and hence they are choosing government.”

Read: Bohemian Grove: America’s Occult Establishment by Brandon Semrow. “Since Calvin Coolidge, Donald Trump is the first Republican president not to attend Bohemian Grove.”

Read: When Republicans Waver We Must Speak Up by Breanna Claussen. “We have to speak the truth whether or not people receive it or agree with it.”

Read: If You Want To See Where America Is Heading, Look To 1453 by Vince Coyner. “They say history repeats itself. Properly forewarned, it doesn’t have to.”

Prayer and Action

Ed. Note: For the past several months, we’ve experienced technical difficulties with Spotify and Apple Podcasts. If you have listened to Curtis on Apple podcasts but it has not been updating, please unfollow “Faith, Family, and Freedom” in your podcasts, and then search again to see the latest episodes.

Pray for God to send revival to America, beginning in our families and churches.

Pray for God to defeat those seeking to steal another election and finish off America for good.

Please pray for Fairy Shaukat, a 12-year-old Pakistani girl who was abducted, forcibly converted, and married to a Muslim man. Fairy has been gone from her home for nearly 20 days.

Multiple states have initiatives to codify the “right” to abortion (baby murder), including the red states of Florida, Missouri, Montana, and South Dakota. Learn if your state is seeking to expand abortion here. Partner with individuals and groups in your state to defeat these radical amendments.

To better understand the globalist elites and their agenda, read Controligarchs by Seamus Bruner.

Americans have grown increasingly sick over the last 100 years, as Big Pharma and Big Ag have increased their power and profits. To improve your personal health, consider reading Good Energy by Casey and Calley Means.

Join the election integrity fight at whoscounting.us.

Watch our previous episode, Understanding the Deep State: Its Origins, History, and Significant Influence Today.

Urge your U.S. Senator to remove language from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would draft our daughters. Learn more here.

Curtis will be speaking in Kentucky next month and would love to meet any in the area!

Monday, September 16th
Evangel Christian School
3728 Taylorsville Road
Louisville, KY 40220

Memory verse of the week: Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Patriot Spotlight

“You are a trusted and reliable source of news from a biblical worldview. I look to you for most of my information as I believe you are one of the few who can be trusted.” –Dawn P.

Stories and Questions

We’d love to hear what you’re doing to make a difference! Please send us your stories. If you have a question you’d like us to answer in our weekly videos, you can email editor@agendaweekly.com. Although we’re not able to respond to every email, we greatly appreciate your comments, feedback, and suggestions.