“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity… In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”

–Antonio Gramsci

Canceling Christianity (With David Fiorazo)

The Marxist Left knows that a global totalitarian government is impossible with America in the way, and the best way to destroy America is to make sure we forget God. To this end, Leftists have systematically removed prayer, Bible reading, and the Ten Commandments from government schools and replaced them with evolution, pornography, and perversion. Now, they are seeking to cancel those who remind Americans of their godly heritage and the blessings God provides for obedience to His Word. Curtis interviews David Fiorazo to discuss this very important topic.

AGENDA Weekly Brief

Week of October 21-27

Dear Friends,

Hudson Taylor once said, “Many Christians estimate difficulties in the light of their own resources, and thus attempt little, and often fail in the little they attempt. All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on His power and presence with them.”

1. MIKE JOHNSON BECOMES NEW HOUSE SPEAKER: After Jim Jordan (R-OH) was removed as Republican Speaker nominee in a secret vote, establishment Republicans attempted to elect Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN), a liberal who previously served as a paid spokesman for the George Soros-funded National Popular Vote initiative. Emmer dropped out after Trump and conservatives blocked his path to the Speakership. Eventually, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), a lesser-known conservative who has served in the House since 2017, was elected Speaker. Johnson is an evangelical Christian and constitutional attorney who has previously worked with Alliance Defending Freedom, Answers in Genesis, and the Louisiana Family Forum.

In his acceptance speech, Johnson promised to “restore trust” to Congress, “decentralize” power, and “combat the harmful policies of the Biden Administration.”

Russ Vought, President of Center for Renewing America, responded, “I am excited for Mike Johnson as Speaker. When I was OMB Director & we sent budget cuts to Congress, Mike was one of the main leaders who wanted to pass them. He comes from the conservative movement & doesn’t view the grassroots with skepticism. He can help bring real change to the House!”

2. JOHNSON ACKNOWLEDGES GOD’S AUTHORITY OVER RULERS: Speaker Mike Johnson declared, “I don’t believe there are any coincidences in a matter like this. I believe that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear that God is the One that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you, all of us. And I believe that God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here for this specific moment in this time. This is my belief. I believe that each one of us has a huge responsibility today to use the gifts that God has given us to serve the extraordinary people of this great country, and they deserve it. And to ensure that our republic remains standing as the great beacon of light and hope and freedom in a world that desperately needs it!”

Ed. Note: For more, read Disingenuous Leftists Snarl At Speaker Mike Johnson’s Faith Because They Know It’s A Threat.

3. MAINE SHOOTER KILLS 18: Robert Card, a mentally unstable U.S. Army reserve firearms instructor, reportedly killed 18 and injured multiple people in a spate of three shootings in Maine. A couple of months ago, when Card was fitted with high-powered hearing aids, he said he began “hearing voices” of people saying “horrible” things about him, according to his sister-in-law. In July, Card was reported by U.S. Army officials for “behaving erratically.” Card is reportedly “armed and dangerous” and is still at large.

Democrats, including Joe Biden and California Governor Gavin Newsom, seized on the tragedy to call for increased gun control. The Daily Signal’s Jarrett Stepman observes, “When evil is committed in this world, the Left creates victims, rather than empowering good people to stop it.”

4. DINESH D’SOUZA RELEASES “POLICE STATE”: Andrea Widburg of American Thinker explains why “Police State” is such a powerful film: “Using a combination of reenactments, interviews, news footage, police body cams, and individuals’ security cameras, D’Souza has compellingly put together things we already know about America in 2023 but don’t want to admit: We have in place a government that is loyal, not to the people but to the government itself.”

In a recent interview, D’Souza said, “Bad actors are using many different pretexts and rationales, but the trend is unmistakable. Our liberties are being choked off one by one. ‘Police State’ is a wake-up call. It is an attempt to rouse America from its indifference and slumber…The situation is serious enough for us to have good reason to be alarmed, but we are not yet at the point where hope is lost…We hope the movie will stiffen the spines of patriots whose opposition to the police state is weak, such as Christians and Republican party leaders who are too timid and fearful that they will be attacked.”

Ed. Note: For more, visit policestatefilm.net.

5. GENERAL FLYNN CALLS QANON A “MAJOR PSYOP”: In a post on X, Former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn wrote, “Here’s my take on Q…I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is ‘running this op’ has done a major disservice. What I see are a bunch of people sitting and waiting for something to happen instead of doing what I have been calling for now for quite some time (LOCAL ACTION). The nonsense about Trump is still the president and the military is coming to the rescue is just that…nonsense…” Flynn concluded, “I want us to face reality for what it is, and it is staring us in the face currently, and it is ugly. But never ever give up, and trust me, there will always be silver linings; we just have to find them and exploit them as soon and for as long as possible.”

Ed. Note: In the early days of the Russian Revolution, the Soviets launched “Operation Trust,” a fake anti-Bolshevik movement that persuaded Russians to “trust the plan” rather than resist the Bolsheviks. For more, see our recent episode, De-Constructing the Theory of Devolution.

6. WAS THE GEORGE FLOYD NARRATIVE A LIE? Alpha News reports, “New court documents expose the ‘extreme pressure’ prosecutors faced in Hennepin County to charge Derek Chauvin and three other former Minneapolis police officers in the death of George Floyd…According to the deposition of a former Hennepin County prosecutor, the county’s medical examiner told her in a phone call that there ‘were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation.’”

Tucker Carlson summarized, “In other words, George Floyd, according to the official autopsy, was not murdered. He died instead of what we used to call natural causes, which in his case would include decades of drug use, as well as the fatal concentration of fentanyl that was in his system on his final day. So this was not a killing; it was yet another narcotics OD in a country that records more than 100,000 of them every year. The medical examiner clearly understood that and, in fact, articulated it.”

7. WHAT DOES HAMAS BELIEVE? Westerners and Israelis should understand the core ideology of Hamas, as declared in their 1988 founding charter. Below are several quotes:

  • “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
  • “The conflict with Israel is a religious war between the Muslims and Jews that will continue until the End of Days.”
  • Martyrdom-seekers (i.e., suicide attackers) “love death as much as the enemy loves life” and are rewarded in Paradise.
  • Hamas believes that Jews are “the descendants of apes and pigs”; they are subhuman or “microbes.”

Last year, senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahar said, “We are not talking about liberating our land alone… the entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a Sharia system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity.”

8. SENATORS OPPOSE BIDEN’S FOREIGN POLICY: Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) warned, “Joe Biden wants to cut the Palestinians a check for $100 million. I am absolutely opposed to this. Humanitarian aid that goes to Gaza will ultimately wind up in the hands of Hamas, the terrorists.” Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) said, “Combining Israel and Ukraine aid with money for open borders is a disgrace. It’s a way to provide political cover and more money for Biden’s disastrous policies. It’s political malpractice and insults our voters.”

9. IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, AMERICA LET IN AS MANY IMMIGRANTS AS BABIES BORN: 3.5 million illegal immigrants crossed the border in the 12 months ending September 31, just under the 3.67 million Americans born during the same period. These illegals will compete for jobs with the roughly 3 million American young people who graduated from schools in the ten months leading up to October 2023. A record 736 individuals on the terror watch list were stopped at the U.S. border. Meanwhile, Axios claims the “open border” is a myth and the Southern border is “more fortified than it’s ever been.”

10. CAN COVID-19 VACCINE MANUFACTURERS FINALLY BE SUED? Technology entrepreneur and vaccine researcher Steve Kirsch explains, “A cancer-promoting genetic sequence—SV40 was found in mRNA vaccine vials in April 2023. It is doubtful that there was disclosure of the SV40 contamination within the Pfizer documents received by the FDA. This means that the mRNA COVID vaccines are adulterated, the manufacturers can now be sued for damages, and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market until the adulteration is fixed…When there is contamination, there is no immunity. It makes sense. Otherwise, they can add arsenic into the vaccines and not be liable.” Dr. Robert Malone agrees.

11. IS THE U.S. GOING TO WAR WITH IRAN? The Biden Regime has deployed 900 U.S. troops to the Middle East to “support regional deterrence efforts,” while NATO and the U.S. military are amassing warships in the eastern Mediterranean. U.S. aircraft struck back at Iranian-backed groups that reportedly carried out rocket and drone strikes against U.S. troops. Secretary of State Antony Blinken declared, “If Iran or its proxies attack U.S. personnel anywhere, make no mistake: We will defend our people, we will defend our security – swiftly and decisively.”

12. HOW HEALTHY ARE AMERICA’S MILITARY MEMBERS? Dr. Ken D. Berry explains why nearly three-quarters of active-duty military members are obese or overweight and said, “If the military wants to have any hope of reversing the obesity epidemic, it needs to begin by completely getting rid of the current high carbohydrate guidelines forced on our service members that are the cause of the obesity in the first place.” Dakota Wood of the Heritage Foundation notes, “Seventy-seven percent of potential draftees are not qualified to serve because of issues like obesity, mental health, and asthma. That’s more than three-quarters of people available who are ineligible to serve.”

These alarming figures come as Gen-Zers warn on social media that they have no intention of being drafted, and economist Stephen Moore warns, “America’s top national security threat is our runaway debt.”

13. THE U.N.’S DANGEROUS DIGITAL AGENDA: The United Nations has released a proposed “Global Digital Compact” promoting digital IDs linked to financial access. Dennis Behreandt, publisher of The New American magazine, warns of the U.N.’s agenda, “The walls of this digital prison are comprised of four interlocking technologies: global digital ID, global health records, central bank digital currencies, and social credit scores — enabled using digital tracking technologies and interlocking databases. Using these tools, each under active development, a centralized authority — such as the United Nations — could regulate each person’s life down to the most seemingly insignificant detail.”

Ed. Note: For more, view our previous interview with Behreandt, END GAME: The Deep, Dark Deceit of Emerging Technologies.

14. FINANCIAL UPDATES: The Commerce Department is boasting about a 4.9 percent 3Q increase in real GDP. Economist Jeffrey Tucker is skeptical and notes, “There is no magic machinery in the sky that observes the operations of the world and spits out a number to tell us whether we are making wealth or not. These huge aggregates are always garbage in and garbage out. They are also seriously subject to political manipulation, and no presidential administration has toyed with this trick more than the Biden administration. The newest release is more evidence of that.”

The Washington Post reports, “The U.S. government spent $659 billion this year paying off the interest on its debt, according to a Treasury report released Friday…”


  • Beginning in spring 2025, most European countries will require travelers to submit to facial and fingerprint scans and surrender their biometric data to a mass government database.
  • Health experts warn that loneliness can have the same effect on health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Sadly, Gallup reports that more than a billion people worldwide are struggling with loneliness.
  • The Daily Signal reports, “The Oregon Board of Education on Thursday voted unanimously to remove requirements for students to be proficient in reading and writing in order to graduate—joining the long line of ill-advised moves to cut academic expectations for American students. There’s no evidence that suspending those standards is going to improve the academic performance of any student—quite the contrary.”
  • Donald Trump was fined $10,000 by far-left Judge Arthur Engoron after the judge accused Trump of violating a gag order.
  • Home affordability has doubled for median-priced homes since Covid-19, thanks to inflation, wage stagnation, and interest rates.


  • “The demise of the USA has to come from within. No external enemy can cause so much damage as an internal operation. I am from a 3rd world country, and I see cities in the US where I wouldn’t want to live now. When you see cities in the US eroding so fast, this has to be by design.” –El Salvador President Nayib Bukele with Tucker Carlson
  • “Around the world, there has been a deafening silence over excess deaths from governments and the mainstream media, who not so long ago were quite fixated on the daily death toll for Covid.” –Sonia Elijah, The Brownstone Institute
  • “Trump retains a First Amendment right to speak, and the rest of us retain a right to hear what he has to say.” –The ACLU on Judge Tanya Chutkan’s gag order on Donald Trump
  • “I have the greatest fear that the local church today is despised. Tell somebody that you have a worldwide ministry, and they all bow down. Tell someone you are a pastor of a group of thirty, and they make you feel as though you are a failure.” –Missionary and evangelist Paul Washer
  • “If I had never joined a church till I had found one that was perfect, I should never have joined one at all. And the moment I did join it, if I had found one, I should have spoiled it, for it would not have been a perfect church after I had become a member of it. Still, imperfect as it is, it is the dearest place on earth to us.” –Charles Spurgeon


1. FORMER HEZBOLLAH SOLDIER SHARES HIS TESTIMONY: A former Hezbollah fighter, Afshin Javid, shared the miraculous account of his salvation and his encounter with Jesus Christ, stating, “One day, as I’m praying, a man appears in front of me – normal size, but his being shines like light. This light is not a normal light. This light carried identity in it. And you knew that he was holy, and instantaneously, I knew I was not…I felt a touch on my left arm, and He said, ‘I forgive you.’ …And I knew I was forgiven.”

2. SWITZERLAND CONSERVATIVES WIN BIG: The Swiss People’s Party gained nine seats in their country’s elections, solidifying their majority in Parliament. Conservative strategist Joey Mannarino reported, “The anti-migrant, conservative Swiss People’s Party just had a PROFOUND victory while the left-wing Green Party had a MAJOR loss. Switzerland just stood strong for their country, their people, and their future!”

3. NEW ZEALAND POLITICIAN STANDS AGAINST COVID JABS: New Zealand Loyal Party Leader Liz Gunn stated, “I’m appealing to you, the people of New Zealand. You must all demand an end to the [Covid] jabs. If not addressed urgently, the World Health Organization will be able to declare the next pandemic and force mass Jab compliance under the Pandemic Preparedness Act, which will soon be a reality.” Gunn has called for a “full-blown criminal investigation” into the Covid shot.

4. U.S. REPRESENTATIVES CALL FOR ASSANGE’S RELEASE: Congressmen Thomas Massie (R-KY) and James McGovern (D-MA) wrote a letter to President Joe Biden calling for the release of Julian Assange. The letter states, “Mr. Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, faces multiple charges under the Espionage Act…It is the duty of journalists to seek out sources, including documentary evidence, in order to report to the public on the activities of government. The United States must not pursue an unnecessary prosecution that risks criminalizing common journalistic practices.”

5. SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS PROTECTS WOMEN: Arkansas Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders banned the use of “Woke, Anti-Woman Words” in her state’s government. An executive order signed by Sanders states, “The science is clear and real; There are things only women can do, like perform the miracle of birth. Government should reject language that ignores, undermines, and erases women. Government should celebrate gender distinctions between men and women — not erase them.”

6. GEORGIA SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS HEARTBEAT BILL: The Georgia Supreme Court voted 6-1 to overturn a lower court’s ruling that had put a ban on Georgia’s six-week heartbeat bill. Joseph Backholm of the Family Research Council stated, “The result is obviously good from a pro-life perspective, because it means many more babies will avoid being aborted — but it’s also good from a legal perspective.”

7. COLORADO JUDGE OVERTURNS LAW BANNING ABORTION PILL REVERSAL: U.S. District Court Judge Daniel Domenico blocked a law that had banned healthcare providers from saving unborn lives by prescribing “abortion pill reversals.” The Worldview in 5 Minutes explained that “Judge Domenico ruled that such onerous laws would burden the free exercise of religion.”

8. LUBBOCK, TEXAS PROTECTS THE UNBORN: Lubbock County, Texas, voted to become a sanctuary county for the unborn, following the steps of the city of Lubbock. The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal reported, “More than 100 people were in attendance for the regular commissioners’ court meeting where the ordinance was discussed. The ordinance…was passed by a vote of 3-0 with two members abstaining.” Lubbock is the sixth county to pass a sanctuary ordinance.

9. ILLINOIS GUN OWNERS STAND AGAINST TYRANNY: An Illinois law banning semi-automatic weapons beginning in January 2024 faces a major challenge, as gun owners have refused to register their weapons in order to keep them. The New American reports, “Just 3,000 gun registrations have been received by the police, with another 1,600 ‘accessory’ registrations. That’s out of a total of 2,415,481 gun owners holding ID cards.” The unconstitutional law has also been challenged in the courts.

10. 2A VICTORY IN NEW YORK: Gun owners scored a victory in New York after U.S. District Court Judge John Cronan ruled New York officials did not have the authority to grant gun permits based on their own judgment. The ruling states, “The Court determines that the magnitude of discretion afforded to New York City licensing officials… empowering them to evaluate an applicant’s “good moral character” and “good cause” …is not constitutionally permissible under the Second and Fourteenth Amendments.”

11. SUPREME COURT WILL HEAR CENSORSHIP CASE: In a win for free speech, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments in the Missouri v. Biden case. Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey (R) stated, “It’s important that the court move as expeditiously as possible. We’ve got to build a wall of separation between tech and state to defend [and] protect our First Amendment right to free speech.”

Ed. Note: Unfortunately, Justices Robert, Kavanaugh, and Barrett agreed to allow the Biden regime to continue censoring speech until the Supreme Court hands down its ruling.

12. CIVIL RIGHTS GROUPS OPPOSE  FACIAL RECOGNITION IN NYC: Numerous civil rights groups have called to ban facial recognition technology in New York City. Daniel Schwarz of NCLU stated, “New Yorkers don’t want to live in a world where biometric surveillance constantly monitors their every move — we’re proud to fight alongside our coalition partners so New York City bans the scan once and for all.”

13. BILL MAHER WARNS AGAINST COLLEGE: Ivy League-educated Liberal TV Host Bill Maher warned against educational indoctrination, clearly explaining, “Don’t go to college, and if you absolutely have to go, don’t go to an elite college, because, as recent events have shown, it just makes you stupid. College life today is a day spa combined with a North Korean re-education camp. It’s a daycare center with a meal plan, except the toddlers can fire the adults.”

14. MOST AMERICANS REFUSING THE LATEST COVID JAB: Reuters reports that only 2% of Americans have received the latest Covid jab for 2023. Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo stated, “The CDC was vocal about the spike protein being a very short-lived phenomenon… and now we have people who, for prolonged periods of time, seem to have evidence of spike proteins circulating in their tissues. Is that a safe outcome?”

15. CHURCHES MUST BECOME INVOLVED IN POLITICS: Christians and churches are being called upon to become actively involved in the political arena, and according to Jason Yates, the CEO of My Faith Votes, “Everyone should be taking full advantage of the opportunities that are given to vote, and I think…churches being involved in that process is really important.”


Give of Your Best to the Master by Howard B. Grose

Give of your best to the Master!
Give of the strength of your youth!
Throw your soul’s fresh, glowing ardor
Into the battle for truth.
Jesus has set the example:
Dauntless was He, young and brave!
Give Him your loyal devotion;
Give Him the best that you have.

Give of your best to the Master!
Give of the strength of your youth!
Clad in salvation’s full armor,
Join in the battle for truth!

Give of your best to the Master!
Give Him first place in your heart!
Give Him first place in your service;
Consecrate every part.
Give, and to you will be given;
God His beloved Son gave.
Gratefully seeking to serve Him,
Give Him the best that you have!

Give of your best to the Master!
Naught else is worthy His love!
He gave Himself for your ransom,
Gave up His glory above.
Laid down His life without murmur,
You from sin’s ruin to save!
Give Him your heart’s adoration;
Give Him the best that you have!

Give of your best to the Master!
Give of the strength of your youth!
Clad in salvation’s full armor,
Join in the battle for truth!

Featured Videos

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Watch: Unmasking Freemasonry (50 minutes). Leading freemasonry expert and best-selling author Dr Selwyn Stevens makes some very important points you need to know about.

Watch: Tucker Carlson, Ep. 34 (10 minutes). Of all of Biden’s crimes, backing the Ukrainian government as it throws priests in jail may be the most revealing.

Watch: “Clinicians Have Found Adulterant Contamination in Pfizer and Moderna Injections” (11 minutes). Dr. Naomi Wolf breaks down the latest on the dangerous Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

Watch: The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children (3 minutes). For many years, doctors have received bonuses for adhering to the latest drug therapy protocol and pushing drugs that are known to be dangerous, such as statins and anti-depressants. And now we know that insurance companies are paying doctors to fully vaccinate your children.

Watch: Are Mass Shooters A Result of Pharmaceuticals or Mind Control? (8 minutes). Alex Jones exposes some of the key facts about the rise in mass murders, and explains how pharmaceuticals and mind control can cause many to become suicidal and violent.

Articles of the Week

Read: Corrie ten Boom on Tribulation and the Rapture. “I feel I have a divine mandate to go and tell the people of this world that it is possible to be strong in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Read: The Westminster Declaration by a broad coalition of free speech advocates. “Open discourse is the central pillar of a free society.”

Read: Weaponization Of Fanaticism – Why Leftists Love Islam Even Though Islam Hates Them by Brandon Smith. “Leftists love Islam exactly because it is the antithesis to everything the western world stands for.”

Read: State Elections: Nullifying Tyranny At The State Line by Alex Newman. “The future of your family and freedom may very well hinge in large part on who is elected to your state legislature and your city and county governments.”

Read: To Understand Obama, You MUST Understand South Africa’s Communist Revolution by Colorado Free Press. “It is essential to understand the roots of his political activism. It all begins with South Africa’s Communist revolution.”

Read: Dr. Mark Trozzi Shares Strategies to Combat Effects of COVID Spike Protein, Prevent Infection by Life Site News. “One of the biggest determinants of health and survival of infections, including COVID, is Vitamin D levels.”

Prayer and Action

Please pray for the loved ones of those tragically killed in the Maine shooting. Pray for the shooter to be apprehended quickly with no more loss of life.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for all those who are being subjected to attacks, war, famine, and governmental abuse.

Pray that God would use suffering to draw individuals to Himself. Pray that the fragility of life and the reality of death will help them to think soberly about eternity and the fact that they will on day stand before God.

Pray for American Christians to live like Christians, to share the gospel, and to think soberly about the collapsing world around them. Pray for God’s strength to do these things in your own life.

Pray that God would give each AGENDA Weekly subscriber supernatural wisdom and discernment.

Praise God for allowing representative Mike Johnson to become Speaker of the House.

Pray that Johnson will not cave to the Uniparty, and that he will boldly stand for the things he believes.

Visit David Fiorazo’s site here and consider purchasing a copy of his book, Canceling Christianity, here.

2024 could be a far more chaotic year than 2023. Global elites want World War, famine, and death. Think through what you would do in various scenarios. Work towards being prepared with several months of food, supplies, medicines, and other necessities before the end of the year.

Have a Plan B strategy if you live in an area that could become uninhabitable. Be prepared to defend yourself, your family, your loved ones, and neighbors.

Memory verse of the week: Psalm 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all nations that forget God.”

Please mark your calendars! Curtis will be speaking in St. Louis and would love to meet you. Please feel free to invite your family and friends!

Monday, October 30
St. Louis GOP Headquarters
794 Gravois Bluffs Drive
Unit M
Fenton, MO

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Patriot Spotlight

“I am very inspired by the episode on courage. I teach Academic Inquiry and Writing on campus at a liberal university, and I feel I have been strategically placed to help spread truth to my students. While other professors at our ‘Christian’ university are focusing on woke topics like: the ongoing impact of slavery in American culture, queer narratives, representations of race and gender in popular culture, and reparations, my topic is ‘Questioning Narratives in Popular Media and Culture.’ I have not announced my topic to the other faculty, and I feel like a stealth activist who has infiltrated their leftist institution… I blend in with the other faculty, as I look like a young liberal, but in my classroom, we’ve covered many important topics including, abortion, communism, the morality of gun ownership, the 2030 Agenda, 9-11, January 6th, eugenicist Bill Gates, Environmentalism, China’s social credit system, the innate racism of Planned Parenthood, and the overt emotional manipulation in societal propaganda. I have students rhetorically analyze these various subjects, taking note of how easily many jump to a provided conclusion because they hear a sad story. I am helping them to critically think, and not just swallow the governmentally-fed conclusions. My work is very exciting, and I am thankful to be placed where I am ‘for such a time as this.’” –Kendall H.

Stories and Questions

We’d love to hear what you’re doing to make a difference! Please send us your stories. If you have a question you’d like us to answer in our weekly videos, you can email editor@agendaweekly.com. Although we’re not able to respond to every email, we greatly appreciate your comments, feedback, and suggestions.